Pen Test Report Practice — Hacksudo Proxima Centauri on VulnHubHacksudo Proxima CentauriJul 7, 2021Jul 7, 2021
Symfonos Write UpI was handed this vm as part of my bi-weekly VM hacking group.May 2, 2021May 2, 2021
Symfonos 3 Write UpContinuing the Symfonos series, here is my write up of Symfonos 3. Step 1: I started off by running the following nmap scan to enumerate…Apr 30, 2021Apr 30, 2021
Symfonos 2 Write UpWe are going through the whole Symfonos series in my Vulnerable Box hacking group at work. Here’s a step by step write up for Symfonos 2.Apr 22, 2021Apr 22, 2021
Home Network DesignIn thinking about my home network design, from an early stage my goal was to have an environment that compared to an enterprise…Apr 1, 2021Apr 1, 2021
Next StepsIt’s been a bit since my last post. I’ve been doing some deep diving in a new VM hacking group I am a member of at work (I have a Symfonos…Apr 1, 2021Apr 1, 2021
Zeek and Rita Part 1I am still on this quest to control the web traffic that comes into my home, and I decided I needed to go deeper. When I attended John…Mar 31, 2021Mar 31, 2021
Pi Hole (DNS Sinkhole)My 2.5 year old daughter has recently discovered YouTube on the tablet she likes to watch videos on. We do a good job of monitoring the…Mar 31, 2021Mar 31, 2021